Check InInternal Mentally Friendly Project.
At Mentally Friendly we believe that regular check-ins with our clients is key to a successful project.
By holding twice weekly catch ups we are able to response quickly to any blockers, questions or changes that may arise.
It also keeps everyone involved up-to-date on the progression.
To help faciliate this process and track progress we decided to build a check-in app.
I used create-react-app and styled-components to build a Progressive Web App for the check-in app and Ant Design for the dashboard.
- Local Storage to autofill name field after first use.
- Auto generated URL per-project.
- Downloadable to mobile device home screen.
- MF staff login via Google with project search page.
- MF staff only rendered fields.

- Company email restricted Google login.
- Collates all the check in app data into a scrollable set of columns, selectable by sprint.
- Displays and scores each check in's info.
- Flags if anyone reported a blocker.
- I implemented Googles machine learning sentiment analysis to colour code the notes icons, this gave a quick view on whether the notes were negative, neutral or positive.